Sunday, January 14, 2018

Parenting an Autistic Child

From The Mom Kind:
Often times, we find ourselves doubting our parenting skills.  There’s this automatic shame you feel for not better handling a situation. This embarrassment for feeling sad. It is so hard not be hard on yourself.  As parents, we want the best for our children.  We want them to be the best person they can be and to live a happy, fulfilling life.

All too often, this expectation overruns us parents. The constant juggling act it takes just to make a trip out of the home can be overwhelming.  When we are feeling weak, this is when we feel as though we’ve failed.

The key thing to remember, their diagnosis doesn’t define who they are.  It’s okay not to explain their diagnosis everywhere you go. It’s also okay to do so as well.   Sometimes, you will feel like a warrior. You can conquer the world single-handed. Yet other times, you feel run over.  As if nothing at all can go your way. (Read more.)

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