Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Horrendous Meltdowns

From the BBC:
Lorna Lynch is one of a growing number of parents home-educating a child with special needs. In the last five years, their numbers have grown by 57% across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Almost a thousand children with recognised needs are waiting for a school place. Ministers in England say they're investing to improve the system. For the past year, 11-year-old Emily has been educated at home, with extra educational activities arranged by her mother Lorna. Emily has been diagnosed with autism and ADHD, and is now on medication to manage anxiety. Home-schooling was a decision Lorna Lynch reached reluctantly after her daughter struggled to understand both lessons and other children's behaviour. "I couldn't cope with her going to school and then coming back with her so stressed out, so angry at me."

Emily found school confusing and overwhelming. "I want to learn things that I'm interested in - but it's like I can't learn anything because I don't know how and they don't tell me how." She would become angry and lash out at other children. "The meltdowns were horrendous," says Lorna, who tried three different schools before deciding to home-educate. (Read more.)

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